Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About the Mediterranean Diet

In a previous post, we discussed some of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet that have made it a favorite of many nutritionists around the world. Here, we will be answering some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Mediterranean diet. The purpose of this is to clear all confusion and misconceptions about this diet in your mind. Let’s begin.

What Is the Mediterranean Diet?

This is the first and probably the most important question that people ask.  The Mediterranean diet is inspired by the dietary patterns of Spain, France, Southern Italy, and Greece in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s. This was the time when the people in the Mediterranean region had the lowest rates of chronic disease and the highest life expectancy, even though limited medical services were available to them.

The Mediterranean diet emphasizes olive oil as the principal source of fat and fresh fruit as the typical daily dessert. Additionally, it recommends:

  • Consuming low to moderate amounts of cheese, yogurt, fish, and poultry
  • Consuming zero to four eggs each week
  • Consuming low amounts of red meat
  • Abundant plant foods
  • Consuming low to moderate amounts of wine

The diet minimizes the consumption of processed food while maximizing the consumption of natural, whole foods.

Does the Mediterranean Diet Follow the Dietary Recommendations of The American Heart Association?

Although they don’t follow them exactly, Mediterranean diets are close to the dietary recommendations of the American Heart Association.  However, this diet does raise some concerns. The Mediterranean diet allows about 30% to 35% of the calories to come from fat. This may promote obesity in the people who eat the diet. The American Heart Association sees this as a problem.

Is the Mediterranean Diet Good for Health?

We’ve already discussed the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet in detail in a previous post. However, there’s no harm in reiterating them. Several studies prove that a Mediterranean diet can improve health and increase one’s life span. The Mediterranean diet is known to lower the risk of heart disease and cancer. Moreover, studies indicate that it may reduce dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The diet, coupled with a physically active lifestyle, can help you to live a long, healthy life.


With the Mediterranean diet taking care of your wellness, you can focus on things such as your outward appearance and the health of your skin. One way of doing this is by using a natural, Australian-made skincare product like the Clear JOJOBA Skin Moisturiser 100ml from Amphore.

This natural product can help eliminate the lines and wrinkles under your eyes as well as cure skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. The anti-aging effects of these products are possible due to the presence of Vitamin E and all-natural, Australian-made pure jojoba oil.



The Mediterranean Diet Is High in Fat Content — Can It Help Weight Loss and Optimum Weight Management?

The Mediterranean diet is high in fats, but the fats in this diet are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. These fats are healthy and are required by our body. Keep in mind that these fats are very different from the saturated fats found in the American diet.

It is important for you to know that weight loss isn’t determined by the fat content in your diet; the number of calories you consume area bigger influences on weight loss and optimum weight management. While the Mediterranean diet provides many health benefits, you must lower your calorie intake if you want to lose weight, achieve better health, and increase longevity.

What Is the Difference Between the American Diet and The Mediterranean Diet?

The American diet and the Mediterranean diet are poles apart. The typical American diet consists of poultry products, eggs, and red meat. On the other hand, the Mediterranean diet includes healthier options, such as olive oils, nuts, potatoes, cereals, bread, vegetables, and more.

What If I Don’t Like Certain Foods in The Mediterranean Diet?

If you don’t like certain Mediterranean diet foods, then you can switch the ingredients in them. However, you must ensure that the substitute foods have similar calories. For example, if you don’t like fish, you can substitute it with some chicken that carries the same number of calories. Similarly, you can switch to green beans if you dislike tomatoes.

Is There Any Role of Exercise in The Mediterranean Diet Program?

As revealed earlier, the Mediterranean diet was developed during the 1960s. This was a time when exercise and regular physical activities were part of the Mediterranean culture. For this reason, the Mediterranean diet lays great emphasis on the importance of regular exercise to achieve improved health. Mediterranean diet programs recommend an hour-long walk each day and a full work-out once a week.

What Drinks Are Included in The Mediterranean Diet?

This is a question people often ask. If you’re one of them, then here’s some useful info for you. When you’re on a Mediterranean diet, you can take the following drinks:

  • Water
  • Lemon soda
  • Lemon water
  • Diet iced tea
  • Flavored seltzer


What Is the Difference Between A Low Carb Diet and The Mediterranean Diet?

In many ways, the Mediterranean diet is like a low carb diet. However,  there are some differences between the two. Unlike a low carb diet, the Mediterranean diet has low protein content. The proteins that are part of the Mediterranean diet will only give you about 15% of your daily calorie requirement.

Does the Mediterranean Diet Put Limitations on The Consumption of Tea and Coffee?

Yes, the Mediterranean diet does limit the consumption of tea and coffee. Ideally, you should not consume more than 3 or 4 cups of caffeinated drink in a day. Consuming less is even better. The good thing is that you don’t have to limit your consumption of decaffeinated tea or coffee.

What Is the Recommended Wine Intake?

As a rule, you should always consume wine in low to moderate amounts daily. Speaking specifically, men should lower their calories from wine by 5%, while women should reduce it by 2.5%.

What Should Be My Total Sugar Intake?

Your total sugar intake should not exceed two teaspoons per day. However, skipping sugar altogether isn’t recommended, as this can cause serious health-related problems.

How Much Time Will It Take to Lose Weight on A Mediterranean Diet?

The final frequently asked question about the Mediterranean diet is how long it takes to lose weight when you’re on it. Well, the answer to this is simple: there is no standard time to lose weight on a Mediterranean diet, as this varies from person to person.

It is important to keep in mind that every person has a different body mass index (BMI). For this reason, some people lose weight faster than others. However, you shouldn’t get discouraged by this. If you keep following the Mediterranean diet strictly, you will lose weight sooner or later.

Hopefully, this answers all the questions you have about the Mediterranean diet. You can now start using the Mediterranean diet to revitalize your body and improve your overall health and wellness.


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